Planet's Edge Walkthrough

Verlinkung zu den einzelnen SEKTOREN:
Algieba Kornephoros
Man soll die Teile der Centauri Device einsammeln um das Projekt zu wiederholen in der Hoffnung die Erde zu befreien..
Algiebian CrystalsAlgieba/Sector Algieba
The N.I.C.T.U
Harmonic Resonator
Mass Converter
Gravity Compressor
Krupp Shields

Das erste Ziel: Alpha Centauri


Alpha-Centauri ist das einzige beim Spielstart hinterlegte Flugziel im Autopiloten der Ulyssus(neben dem Sol System).
Ausnahmsweise liegt das System in einem gefährlichen Sektor(IZAR) aber solange man nicht zu tief in diese Sektoren einfliegt.. sollte das passen.
Hier wird man mit Informationen zugeworfen.. wenn man denn alle Räume ordentlich durchsucht hat..

Planet 2: OMEGAN Forward Observational Station, man wird von zwei Robotern MK1 "begrüßt"
Planet 4: 116 Organics, bewacht von Orbitalstation und Patroullienschiff, 1/3 Fracht als Bezahlung bei JEDEM Besuch gefordert!!

Gegner: Roboter MK1 (Bewaffnung: Hand Laser)
Loot: Ammo Clips, First Aid Pack, Grenade Launcher, Hand Laser, Kevlar Vest, Power Cells, Trauma Kit.
Einmal aufheben und fallen lassen reicht aus um *neue* Rüstungen/Waffen auf der Mondbasis freizuschalten(Tec-Level!).

Man sollte schon den Unterschied zwischen ANSEHEN(l "look") und UNTERSUCHEN(s "search") verstehen..sonst verpasst man viele nützliche Informationen!
Allerdings bedeutet "search" auch eine Art von Interaktion(versteckte Bomben befingern..aber noch nicht hier)
Einige Gerätschaften wie Schränke, Monitore oder sogar Betten enthalten versteckte Gegenstände/Hinweise die man sonst gar nicht bemerkt..

Wegen der relativen Nähe zum eigenen Sonnensystem bietet sich der VORPLATZ des Omegan Outpost als Ablageplatz für ungewollten Schrott an.
Je nach Situation sollte man die genutzten Waffen an die Gegner anpassen!
* Roboter sind etwas gegen Laserwaffen geschützt(Feuern auch selber damit herum), sind aber empfindlicher gegen Schusswaffen..

Im inneren der Station sind einige Roboter schadhaft und greifen planlos an. Das betrifft NICHT die Androiden, mit den meisten kann man reden.
Alle Räume durchsuchen und herumliegenden Kram einsammeln, besonders die besseren Kevlar-Westen.

Ein Roboter übergibt ein Android Tool mit dem man die defekten "Androiden-Köpfe" abfragen kann..
Android Head/SWThere is cause to be concerned with the state of affairs in Sector ALNASL. Very possibly the most technologically advanced race in the Local Group, the Ominar have been reporting bouts of mass insanity and violence. This sector should be avoided under all circumstances until the cause of the Ominar insanity can be found and corrected. These developments may well be connected to the disaster of the Sol Experiment. End File
Android HeadA demographic study of sector ALGIEBA reveals that the sector is dominated by the Algiebian empire. A tactical survey indicates that their starfleet is inferior to that of ships from other societies and can be easily defeated. End file Algieba..
Room NW"Scientists are still cautiousely monitoring the formation of a white hole in Sector ZAURAK as lifeforms sector wide begin to scramble for safety. Einreb Wahs has more on that story."
A starlike glob blazes on the monitor as a commentator's voice drones scientific data.
"As you know, a white hole is the essential opposite of a black hole. Instead of sucking in all matter, it spews it out in violent gouts of plasma and rock.."
Android Head/NWThe android's dead eyes seem to glint with a life as it begins to gefurgitate its last data file.
"As monitor of the OMEGA Forward Observational Station, I am restricted in dispensing information about this sector. I will warn you that any attempts to penetrate more deeply into Sector IZAR will be met by severe hostility by OMEGA and our forvces. Only the Ominar can parallel our technology and they would be ill advised to come against us. End File IZAR."
Android Head/N"Sec-tor AL-HEN-A", the android head burbles. "Territory disputed. No government. Evian and Scroe in-tru-sions threaten to up-set the bal-ance of the SEC-tor before a firm settlement can be reached by the Dhoven ne-got-i-a-tors. Sec-tor now militarly a mix between mid and high tech ships and weap-ons. End file Alhena.."
Monitor/NThe queen of the Ethnys has confirmed reports that thieves have in fact broken into the temple on Ankaq I and stolen, quote, several items of importance on which our existence as a species may depend, endquote. What this revelation will mean to the lifeforms in Sector ANKAQ, I am not certain. What it means to the queen of Ankaq, apparently a great deal. We will simply have to wait, to be patient, and hope for a solution.
Monitor/NRepresentatives of Sector CAROLI refused to comment further on statements made yesterday concerning the 'explosive' situation developing on Denebola IV. In a special communication with other sector officials, Speaker Ysaf has said that the matter requires very delicate handling and that he is hesitant to make any statements that may threaten Eladrin offworld interests.
Android Head/NA tactical study of Sector ANKAQ reveals the following attributes: Despite its inability to control internal strife, SHADOWSIDE still controls most of the other worlds in this sector. Although self-governing, Alrai quarterly pays an extorionate tax to SHADOWSIDE to keep pirate ships out its trading zones. Forced into a war of escalating technology, the Ethnys also import high tech weapons and ships. End file ANKAQ.
Monitor/NEBeneath a plaque labelled Sector IZAR, a view of a spacecraft drifts across the screen, leaps across a panorama of stars.
"That ship looks like the ETS!" Jadzia gasps, referring to the alien craft that exploded when the Earth disappeared. Suddenly a voice begins to accompany the viedeo.
"Forward Station, be advised that something is malfunctioning with the drive. There is a possibilty that the experiment may have been sabotaged. Advise OMEGA". The image jumps as the message loops back to the beginning.
Monitor/NEAt a time when other sectors appear to be held in the grassp of difficult timess, the citizenss of Sssector ALGIEBA are jubilant tonight as two major events ssshape the future of ssector affairs. On Algieba IV Presssident Issshtao is celebrating his sssecond inauguration while Princess Jhenna of Talitha II preparesss for one of the grandest weddings in sssector history. And we, of coursssse, will be there to bring you live coverage.
Android Head/ENEThe Rana Collective controls both the resources and the means of production for a host of mid-tech items, placing the citizens of the ZAURAK in a firm mid-tech position. Many political analysts theorize that KORNEPHOROS sector will eventually fall into a government like that in ZAIRAK sector. End file Zaurak.
Android Head/E..historical profiles that were compiled at the completion of the Grand Survey. Sector CAROLI was reserved early on for Type 3 interaction, recreation and housing for lower tech societies. Oortizam labs is located in this sector as is the Life Gallery, both which serve the dual purposes of recreation and research. A few native populations also make their homes in this sector, notably the Eldarin people. End file CAROLI.
Monitor EDhoven Ambassadors will meet with the leaders of other races soon in a meeting to resolve the issue of Scroe and Evian intrusions into Sector HYADES. The sector, declared an open territory three spinphases ago, has been riddled with acts of attrition for months now.
Android Head/EAccessing files. Please wait. The majority of Sector KORNEPHOROS was settled by refugees fleeing the oppressive government systems of Sectors IZAR and ANKAQ. What technology they possess was salvaged from the scrap metal starships. As a result they have not advanced as quickly as other sectors, but still outgun the starcruisers that can be found in Sector ALGIEBA.. End file KORNEPHOROS.
Room/EContinued violence reported in Sector KORNEPHOROS as Cin Sae Spawn make new appearances on Eltanin VII and Rutilicus Colony. And as the death toll mounts higher there are reports that traders may be forcibly ejected from many planets for a part in what is being called the darkest conspiracy since the last days of KONEPHOROS.
So, zurück zur Basis und überlegen wohin man nun fliegt, wegen des schwächlich bewaffneten Schiffchens.. sollte es erst mal der "harmloseste" Sektor sein: Algieba(SüdWest)

Sektor Algieba und der Algieba Kristall..

Der Algieba Sektor ist der "friedlichste" aller Sektoren, die gegnerischen Schiffe sind recht langsam und vor allem klein..


Talitha II AVIAN Castle
* Assassine(Hand Laser, Leather, Geal A'nai Amulet)
* Avian Hunter(Machine Gun)
* Irre(Sword)
Loot: Composite Armor, Dagger, Leather Armor, First Aid Pack, Laser Rifle, Machine Gun, Power Cell, Trauma Kit

Mittelalterlich klingende Musik umschmeichelt die Ohren..
* Alle Personen anquatschen, u.U. gibt das lustige Geschichten über angezündete Fahnen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit im Schloss..
* In der Küche greift man sich die Matches
* Im Osten ist ein weiterer Garten(mit Springbrunnen), dessen nördliche Hecke ist teilweise durchlässig(und mit Minen versehen..) und führt zum Geal A'nai Amulet und Levitator.
Gebäude NO (Heckenlabyrinth)A clatter. Somewhere nearby a chair moves across the floor. Voices.
Searching the hall for a source, Jadzia glances up and notices an open vent, a cough confirms it as the source of the voices. Wedging a boot into a niche in the Wall, Jadzia is able to inch closer to the open airduct. "... the bomb issss in place in the garden. When the princesss steps next to it, she and the queen will both sssuffer." "Fool, you've left the vent open!" an angry voice replies. A cold clang shuts off the conversation.
GuestPeering with sharply violet eyes, the aged womand smiles at Jadzia. "I have been expecting you" she says, touching a chair back. "They said that you would come." The hours pass as she chats convensationally while Jadzia searches for an excuse to leave. "..and then, the queen's Domen went into a rage when her young suitor set the flags at flame. Kept all the guards busy for hours. Would have thought that the whole castle was coming down."
Avian Servant(wandert herum!)"It's amazing who they hire to take care of the minors about this place," an avion citizen says. "They used to hire people from Henresia. Personally I think they should stick with the agreed star designation. Subra II should be called Subra II!"
Wache/ArenaYou're a braver creature than I - or a fool. I envy no creature that wishes to stand between the princess and the Algiebian schemes. But it's your life." He quickly begins to explain the nature of Jadzia's test. "The test is designed to assess two factors, intellect and savagery. I will allow you into the arena. Around you will be four doors. Three of them contain heavily armed guards which will likely kill you, a forth contains moderately armed sociopaths. When you have fought to victory and recovered the queens standard, you will be set free. That is assuming that you live."
Geal Amulett benutzen/Thronsaal"Brother", Geal says reverently. "I must assssume that you have come with word from Algieba." Looking to see that no one is watching, he leans closer. "Come to my room and we sshall discusss thisss. I must know if Issshtao still retainsss the ssseat of power."
Geals RaumHis nostrils flaring somewhat in pleasure, he hisses a quiet welcome. "I am glad that you have come brothersssss," Geal says. "I ssscarcely had time to get here when I had seen that you had left the party. Our plansss are in place now. When the princesss weds, we shall sssee a new era begin. Remember to bring her right to the fountain. Truly you are brave and honorable."

Die Wachen vor dem Thronsaal lassen einen erst durch wenn man deren Frage "escort daughter" mit Y(ja) beantwortet.
Die Avian Queen reagiert etwas panisch über die neu erschienen "Aliens" und fordert einen "Tauglichkeitsbeweis"; man soll ihr blödes Banner aus der Arena besorgen..

Wer die Tochter bereits befreit hat bekommt hier "Haue.." von allen Wachen..

Hier kann man weitere "neue" Rüstungen und Waffen erbeuten allerdings sind die Kämpfe recht.. brutal..

Die Rätsel der vier Türen:
OR [LESQ] The first is in Lasers but not in a Star LE: 4 Avian Hunters(Machine Gun/Composite Armor)
UL [LMBD] The second's in screams but not in a Scar EM: 2 Avian Hunters(Machine Gun/Composite Armor)
OR [LECF] The third is in cracks but not in quark CS: 4 Avian Servants(Dagger/Leather Armor)
UR [LMNE] The last is in force but never in work FOC. 1 Avian Hunter(Machine Gun/Composite Armor)

Für JEDE übergebene "Queens Standard" erhält man von der Königin ein Lasergewehr(das man JETZT noch nicht selbst bauen kann)!

Zeigt man dem Algiebian Male im Thronsaal das Amulett des Attentäters(use) öffnet er den Raum südlich des.. Muschelprinzen(Laser Rifle).

Billiard Raum
Hier kann man nur mit Mühe hingelangen, entweder meuchelt man alle Wachen aus dem Weg oder sorgt mit der brennenden Flagge im Garten für Ablenkung..
Als Lohn winkt ein Assault Laser und 4 Energy banks.

Von diesem Punkt an laufen einem *ständig* Wachen vor die Füße!
Sie greifen zwar nicht an aber blockieren übelst alle möglichen Wege..

Rettung der Prinzessin
Um den Geheimgang im Gemach der Prinzessin frei zu räumen braucht nur ein Crewmitglied(im Besitz des Levitators!) den Schrank "anstubsen"(vom Zimmer aus, nicht vom Gang!!).. schon ist der weg.
Die Prinzessin zum "Landedeck" führen, den Diener ansprechen und schwubbs ist die weg.
Ein Trinklet bleibt zurück und die Bitte der Prinzessin hallt aus der Luft:
Please take that to He Who Speaks on Henresia. I'll meet him soon!"

Ab jetzt sind alle Wachen vor Ort AGGRO!

Somit ist die Arbeit im System Talitha getan: zum Schiff beamen.

Plötzlich "füllt" sich der Weltraum mit lila-farbenen Punkten: Alien-Raumschiffe!
Nicht alle sind feindlich gesonnen aber.. die meisten leben von Piraterie.
Anfangs kann man denen durch höhere Geschwindigkeit entkommen doch hin und wieder sind es einfach zu viele und es kommt zum Kontakt.
Die blöden Piraten fordern ständig Fracht.. aber mit der Erhöhung des "Rumpfes" auf 200.. kann man schon mehrere Kämpfe locker überstehen.
Und selbst ohne Cheat:
Wie im klassischen Dog-Fight zur Not abbremsen so das die Feinde vorbeifliegen(bereits auf Autofeuer gestellt?!!) und von hinten "beharkt" werden.
Gleichzeitig mit links/rechts Kombinationen HINTER dem Heck des Feindes folgen..

Wem der Kampf nicht liegt.. zurück zur Mondbasis, im Warehouse einen MK2-Antrieb bauen(Ship), im Shipyard den MK1-Antrieb durch den MK2 ersetzen.
Presto: Das Schiff fliegt nun mit 6(statt 5) mehr Feinden davon :P

Trotz allen Widrigkeiten erfolgreich zur Mondbasis zurückgekehrt und Überraschung: Einige der unterwegs gefundenen Ausrüstungsteile können plötzlich nachgebaut werden!
Zwar(bisher) nur bis TEC-Level 1, immerhin!
Danach die überzähligen Waffen und Rüstungen auf Alpha-Centauri 2 verteilt..

Jaja, unterschiedliche Gegner, unterschiedliche Waffenwirkung..
Die Schwertkämpfer waren empfindlich gegen ALLES(wahrscheinlich außer Stichwaffen).
Die Ritterwächter schossen mit Maschinengewehren um sich und hatten auch Rüstungen GEGEN Schusswaffen angelegt, konnten aber mit den Lasern niedergeworfen werden..

Wenn man nun bedenkt das die meisten anderen Völker selber mit Lasern und anderen garstigen Waffen ausgerüstet sind.. können LOWTECH-Waffen wie Projektilwaffen weiterhelfen :)
Ergo: Nicht die Mannschaft NUR mit den tollen Lasergewehren ausstatten.. sondern auch mit Zweitwaffen wie Gewehren versehen(plus Munitionsclips..)
Drei von vier Mannschaftsmitglieder können nur mit leichten Waffen umgehen, verwenden sie trotzdem schwere Waffen treffen sie selten und wenn dann nur mit minimiertem Schaden..

Vorgehen bei einer Exkursion:
ALLES zumindest AUFHEBEN, Questitems behalten mitnehmen. Dann identifizieren und überzähligen Kram vor Ort wegwerfen.


Subra II
* The Who Converse(Eingeborene die nur via Zeichnungen "sprechen")
* Imastyl: nötig für Kommunikation mit Einheimischen(in einem Baumstumpf südlich des Startbereiches / stuck-in-the-mud östlich der Brücke)
* Blood Stalker(Alien Meat) sind sehr unempfindlich gegen Schusswaffen!
* Avian Hunters(Assault Rifle/Kevlar Suit) "Its THEM! They kidnapped the Princess! Kill them!"
Loot: Algieban Invite(Zugang Ishtao Station/Algieba IV), Alien Meat, Assault Rifle, Dagger, Imastyl, Kevlar Suit

Sobald AKTIVE Crewmitglieder einen Imasytl im Inventar haben können die mit den Eingeborenen "sprechen":
Informationsquelle            Info
The Who Converse(Startbereich).."I think it just said hello"
The Who Converse(Startbereich).."I gather that the weeds are probably things we want to stay out of," Jadzia guesses. "Apparently the alien is saying that there are traps hidden in the weeds."
The Who Converse(Island Bridge).."He is a bridge keeper," Jadzia says. "I think he wants us to give him an animal before he will let anyone go across."
The Magian(nördlich der Brücke).."I am She Whose Steps Are Wise. Other worlds call me the Magian. I must assume that you are sent from Algieba. Many messaengers have been sent. I do not know whom to trust. I only know that my own world is threatened by He Who Speaks who lives on the other bank of the river. He sets traps to snare us all. Kill him and I may perhaps knwo that I can trust you.
The Who Speaks(SÖ Höhle)"So I am found.. I surmised that the Magin would eventually call in Offworlders. My mother is above all resourceful. You are surprised that she would send hunters after her own offspring? I am a throwback, a mutation, a deviation that must be corrected. Surely you have seen the same thing in your own race from the time to time. I am tired of bargaining for my life, however. My people will do anything to kill me. Will you? [YES|NO]
The Who Speaks(SÖ Höhle)"Will you? [NO]: Then I owe you my thanks. And though I am in your debt I would ask one favor. On Talitha is a princess, Jhenna. She is about to weed, but I fear that someone in this sector has designs on her life. Her death would destroy an important political keystone in this sector and several other worlds would fall in its wake. I ask this because she .. that is to say.. that we.. It ..It is difficult to explain."
The Who Speaks(SÖ Höhle)"Will you? [YES]: ?"
The Who Speaks(Trinket)"You have freed Jhenna. This item has special meaning to the two of us. This changes a number of things. I stole a relic when I was young. I stole it because I saw how much they cared for it and how little they cared for me. I placed it in the Lair of the BladderClaw. Now it is thime to heal wounds. Take the Talking Stick back to the Magin. It will mean much to her, more even than my death."
The Magian(nördlich der Brücke).
The Magian(Talking Stick)Racked with shudders, the Magin takes the Talking Stick reverently from Jadzia's hands. Stroking it with her pared hands, she seems completely absorbed with the object. "I know that I may trust you," the Magin writes, setting the Talking Stick aside. "This relic means much. It will heal many old wounds and I shall be too occupied to deal with the Algiebian issue. I wish instead to send you as my envoy of honor. Please accept this invitation which I declined. Perhaps you may do some good there yourself(Algieban Invite).

Bladder Claw
Die Bladder Claw und deren Tentakel braucht man nicht zu belästigen!
Den nord-östlichen Höhlenzugang sowieso MEIDEN, da man NICHT wieder zurück zur Oberfläche kommt(Einbahnstraße!) OK, beamen oder durch die Bladder Claw schnetzeln funktioniert schon..

Stattdessen den südlich gelegenen Höhlenzugang nutzen, von dort im Untergrund zur Bladder Claw und den Talking Stick einsammeln und gleich wieder zurückziehen.

Das sechste Siegel der A..irgendwas soll deren Schlösser öffnen können.. kann man das hier am Safe(Untergrund) mal testen?

Egal wie man sich entscheidet: solange der Talking Stick zu She Whose Steps Are Wise kommt gibt es die Algieban Invite, die auf Algieba IV verwendet werden kann.


Algieba IV Ishtao Station
Im Orbit werden 3..33 Fracht verlangt(je nach Schiffsgröße) und dann braucht man IN der Station noch eine Algieban Invite -.-
* Lizard Man(Laser Rifle,Ceramic)
Loot: Fixit Kit, Laser Rifle, xShip Plansx, Trauma Kit
Sternenkreuzer Attagi(Ost):
* Geal A'nai(Laser Rifle, Reflec Armor, Geal A'nai Amulet)
Loot: First Aid Pack, Laser Rifle, Power Cell, Reflec Armor,

Informationsquelle                      Info
Algiebian Male(Restaurant, Ishtao St./SW)"The last time I wassss at Koo-She I ran into ssssome numbing beamsss that the resssssearchers had inssstalled. I had to drop a mirror over it before I could even get down the hallway."
Algiebian Male(Restaurant, Ishtao St./SW)"I'm not ssssssure that I buy President Ishtao's "peace-plan". He wassss a warrior for far too long to ssssimply lay down and play dead. He'sss been in office for one term already and I haven't sssseen any progressss. Spendsss all his time hunting Geal A'nai. I don't believe that the Geal Anai are a threat to ussss. I believe they may know ssssomething about him."
Algiebian Male(Restaurant, Ishtao St./SW)"The bartender at the Ngui Club hasn't learned his lesssson yet. I sssslipped him a Tal lassst night and got nearly a half pint of Algiebian Wine!"
Algiebian Male(Restaurant, Ishtao St./SW)"The food here is horrible. I ssssometimes wonder if thesssse cooksss are cooksss at all."
Algiebian Cook(Restaurant, Ishtao St./SW)Although he appears quite nervous, One of the cooks approcahes Jadzia and says, "Would you like to sssample sssome of our sssoup?" a cook asks presenting a ladle. "I assssure you it'ssss quite good." Jadzia suppresses an urge to trhow up after downing the hot liquid. Politely Jadzua returns the cook's spoon.
Algiebian Male(Zellentrakt, Ishtao St./N)"Alas we were caught and locked up by Ishtao. But the Geal Shall prevail! Ishtao will Fall. Should you ever join our ranks return with that which marks us and we shall aid you in bringing him down."
Algiebian Male(Zellentrakt, Ishtao St./N)Geal A'nai Amulet:"You have returned with the Seal of the Geal A'nai!" the weak Geal A'nai mumbles as he stumbles from the cell. "Seek a cage at the back of the kitchen", the convict gives an encouraging nudge. "Sssearch that cage. There you ssshall find the Sssixth and final key. Use the key on the lever with no function and Ishtao's fate will be sealed."
Stores Keeper(Ishtao St./SO).."By the way, recently I misslaid my eyeglasssses. If you should come upon them, I would be appreciative if you could return them to me." He nods at the weapons that gleam behind him. "Mosssst appreciative."
Stores Keeper(Ishtao St./SO)Eyeglasses: "I sssee that my trussst wasss well placed. Many thanks I offer for the return of my eyeglassses. Please accept this token of my appreciation(Assault Laser)." Cautiously he glances over Jadzia's shoulder, then opens a small drawer. "Here. It ssshould ssserver you well, but be cautioussss. There are sstrange thingsss afoot on the ssstation!"
Algiebian Girl(Ishtao St./NO)"Do you wissssh to board the Attagi? The presssident has arranged for free passsssage for all visitorssss to the ssstationin celebration of hissss inauguration." [YES | NO ]

Die verschlossenen kleinen Türen im zentralen Gang auf der Station sind verschlossen.
Irgendwann öffnen die sich aber und Kampfroboter Mk1 kommen wild umherballernd heraus.
Mögliche Ursache:
Das Mitführen eines Geal A'nai Amulets/Sixth Seal?

Ishtro Staion obere Etage

LEITERN können genutzt werden indem man sie BENUTZT. Sinnfrei: "u" für USE(Inventar) und dann egal welchen Gegenstand mit der Leiter benutzen?!!
z.B. die EINE Leiter im Westteil der Station, die zur oberen Etage führt

Benutzt man einen Algiebian Quarter in einem der Getränkeautomaten erhält man die Kochab-Cola.
Nur wozu ist die gut? FAIL für das Museum? :D

Informationsquelle                      Info
Algiebian Male(Ishtao St.UP)"The president! He is in dire danger!" a ragged man shrieks as he stumbles across the hall. "Pull the lever to save him! The Geal A'nai are plotting to kill him. You'll have to pull the lever! It's the only thing that can protect him. Pull the lever!" He wanders elsewehere to deliver his omens.
Algiebian Girl(Museum, Ishtao St.UP).."I haven't had a break today," she confides. "Ssssomeone wasss to relieve me two hourssss ago, but I don't think he's going to arrive. Think you could go get me sssomething to drink? I'm kind of thirssssty."
Algiebian Girl(Museum, Ishtao St.UP)Vegan Wine: "You," she says, popping the cork, "are too kind. You know how long itsss been sssince I've had Vegan wine?" She sips it casually, her speech becoming more and more slurred. "I had a broodmate once...no, really, I did." She pounds your shoulder as she tries to get your attention. "I know what you want," she says giggling. "You want the passss code. Here ya go." She staggers off laughing to herself about something as the security doors open.
Algiebian Male(Ishtao St.UP/SO)"Human beings! I would have thought that you were all too busssy fighting the Cin Ssssse ssspawn in the Kornephorosss sssector to even sssend anyone. I am Karrpe Dem." The reporter shakes Jadzia's hand vigorously then settles back into his seat. "I didn't know that main bureau even employed humansssss. I could usssse your help nonethelessss. I've been sssso occupied with getting the evening edition done that I haven't had time to get the president'sss ssstatements. I you would retrieve them I would be mossst grateful." :Press Pass
Ishtao(Ishtao St.UP/W)Geal A'nai Amulet "You are truly resssourceful," the president says, staring at the Seal of Geal A'nai. "The seal is used for members of the conspiracy to recognize one another." Scribbling something on a piece of paper he hands it to Jadzia. "This is a security code(Security Card. It will give you greater freedom to move about the ssstation and help you unlock sssome doors. Find the rest of the Geal Anai and together we will crusssh this lasst thread to peace! If you could bring me the Sixth Key of the Geal they would finally be powerless to do me harm."
Ishtao(Ishtao St.UP/W)Sixth Seal: His presidential robes rustling, President Ishtao bows reverently. "You bear the Sixth Key, holiest of relicts from the ages of darkness! I know that the Geal A'nai wished to use it against me. There shall be peace at last for Algieba." His reptilian gaze searching the surface of his desk, he bares fangs as he realizes that something is missing. "I wish to reward you but what I wished to give you is not here. I may have left it on Koo-She I when I visited there regarding a new security system. Take thisss President's Amulet to the ressssearcher there and he ssssshal give you my reward."
Algiebian Male(Ishtao St.UP/SO)Press Pass mit Ishtao benutzt: Karrpe breathes shallowly as he looks over President Ishtao's statement. "Hisss statementsss rarely make for good quotationsss. He alwayssss isss going on about the public good but sssays little about the glory of Geal." Digging in his pocket, he flips Jadzia an Algiebian quarter. "I appeciate your cooperation. Thre'sss a sssoft drink machine on the corner."
Algiebian Girl(Bar, Ishtao St.UP)"A liar, a patent liar," a women mutters to herself as you pass her by. She waves her drink ceremoniously as she notices Jadzia's stare. "Don't trust him. The Presssident's a liar and he'd kill you before he'd help you."
Algiebian Male(Bar, Ishtao St.UP)"Phelckssss," a waiter curses as he sidles past you with his tray. "Politiciansss think they can run the whole ssstation because they have ssssecurity codes. I'd get you sssomething, but as you can ssssee my handsss are..." Abruptly he screeches as a glass drops from his grasp and rolls across the floor.
Algiebian Male(Bar, Ishtao St.UP)"...ssssecuritiesss a messss. I've got hundredsss of aliensss running around, four guardsss on sssstrike, and it looksss like the Geal A'nai are up to their old trickssss, I don't like it." Abruptly the lizard man halts as he gets an elbow from one his companions. Turning, he fixes you with an icy stare and says nothing more."
Algiebian Male(Bar, Ishtao St.UP)A note cradled in his taloned hand, the Algiebian seems irrate about Jadzia's pointed questions. "Quiet pleassse! I can't concentrate ...blue is half of three, or two... cursssess...my wife Rar issss ssso much better at thessse than I am but unfortunately sssshe'ss off on vacation...oh, yesss, now I remember...Green is half of four while Red is twice one... That'ss it..."
Algiebian Male(Bar, Ishtao St.UP)"Evening gentlebeing, I jussst made last call ssso I hope it's not liquor that you want," he says in a deep growl. He turns a glass carefully in his hand, polishing it to shining perfection before setting it on a glass rack. "You can sstill get ssoft drinks from the vending machines."
Algiebian Male(Bar, Ishtao St.UP)Algiebian Tal: The bartender eyes the Algiebian Tal suspiciously. With drumming fingers he divides his attention between Jadzia and the coin. Snatching up his polishing towl he speaks quetly. "Sirs, I will have you know that I don't make a habit of this." Miraculously he produces an olive-colored bottle(Vegan Vine) from beneath the polishing rag. Cautiously he presses it into Jadzia's hands.

"Rettet" man den Präsidenten.. erscheint ein Fexi neben ihm das ihn tötet.
Das Fexi ist auch der Crew gegenüber feindlich und beißt die.. Beruhigt man es.. werden alle Wachen feindlich..

Sternenkreuzer Attagi(West)

Entscheidet man sich die Attagi zu besuchen geht es in eine neue Zone..

Informationsquelle                      Info
Algiebian Girl(Quartiere, Attagi/West)"Hello. I maintain the Choassqa machines aboard this ship. You should give it a try. Even your puny ape braun should be able to handle it." Im Bett: Technicians ID"
Skonn(Quartiere, Attagi/West)" Rät Choassqafarben: Weiss, Grün, Blau, Gelb, Rot
Rar(Attagi/West)"Greetingsss," she hissess. "I am Rar." Kennt Choassqafarben: Orange, Grün, Rot, Blau, Gelb
Vost(Attagi/West)"Aboard to play Choasssssqa?" the Algiebian asks. "It seemsss to be quite popular with everyone elsse., I am pleassssed, for that meanssss that perhapsss we can do bussinessss. Give me your cardssss later and I will tell you which cardsss are which. I'm very good." Rät Choassqafarben: Orange,Grün, grün/falsch, Blau, Gelb. Eyeglassess
Chief engineer(Attagi/West).."I need a gravity bar to get the teleportersss active ssso that we can get to the other sside of the sssship."
Vost(S vom Chief engineer)"Aboard to play Choasssssqa?" the Algiebian asks. "It seemsss to be quite popular with everyone elsse., I am pleassssed, for that meanssss that perhapsss we can do bussinessss. Give me your cardssss later and I will tell you which cardsss are which. I'm very good." Sagt IMMER Orange
Robot(Attagi/West)Brandishing a handful of cards, the mechanical man waves them at Jadzia. "Play Choasssssssqa," the robot says, its voice obviously modified to pleas its Algiebian owners. "Win a gravity bar, take a rissssk, you only live oncve! Let the galaxy be yourssssss!" Its flickering videogaze settling on Jadzia, the robot offers the cards. "Do you wish to play?" [Yes | No]
Robot(Attagi/West)"All debtssss incurred are payable in the control compartment. Algiebian currency is the only acceptable payment." Handing Jadzia five numbered cards, the robot begins to explain the principles of the game. "Each of these cards is encoded with a color code. To win, you ssssimply must insssert the cards in the proper order into the Choassqa machine on the wall. Today'ssss winning pattern is Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue. Good luck." Choasqua Cards 1..5
Hat man in der Lotterie den Gravity Bar gewonnen und dem Chief engineer übergeben repariert er Teile des Raumschiffes:
* Teleporter in den östlichen Teil der Attagi aktiv
* Tür zur Kartenkammer der Choassqa-Lotterie öffnet sich(Zugang NUR mit Technicians ID).
* Tür zu den Eyeglasses öffnet sich

Dann beim Chiev Engineer auf den Teleporter treten.. um in einen ähnlich ausschauenden Raum zu landen.

Sternenkreuzer Attagi(Ost)

Informationsquelle                      Info
CommSystem(Attagi/Ost)A synthetic voice echoes up the hallway. If it were possible for a michne to show emotion, the voice would appear distressed. "REPEAT, Both Engines offline. Chief engineer please report to engine room immedietly. Restart sequence is currently Orange, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green."
CommSystem(Engine1, Attagi/Ost)"Engine one is.. now operational.. The card sequence.. for the engines is currently.. Orange, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green. Engine two is still in need of reconfiguration."
CommSystem(Engine2, Attagi/Ost)"Engine two now on line. Please use this Command code when reinitializing the ship systems" Attagi Com-Code
Algiebian Male(Engine I, Attagi/Ost)"Sssssomeone attacked me," The creature says, glaring suspiciously at Jadzia. "They were disssasssembling the enginessss. Tried to sssstop them. Left me for dead. Cough..Gasp..Weheeze.." Fumbling in his pockets, the engineer produces two gleaming coins. Algiebian Tal," he explains. "Take them. Thisss much I owe you for trying to save me." Then he lays down, and dies.
Leader(Attagi/Ost)Looking much like a lost animal, the passenger now turned leader scowls heavily as Jadzia addresses him. "I sssimply do not comprehend any of thisss," the Algiebian sssays. "I cannot sssee how Issshtao, a most noble man, how he can commit sssuch an act. He has no great love for the Geal A'nai, but to kill innocentsss?" Shaking his head, a low hiss escapes his lips. "Whatever the Circumstance, we have to gain control of the ssship. If you can get the enginess back on line and get the Command Code, we can get the ssship back on cours. Be wary of the Geal A'nai, however. They may want to usse thisss to their advantage."
Leader(Attagi/Ost)Attagi Com-Code: Bruskly the Algiebian takes the Command code and shoves it into a wall reader. Tapping in a code he watches the results, his reptilian eyes widening with interest. "By all appearancessss we are now on a return coursssse for presssidential ssstation. I've taken the liberty of unlocking the doorsss to the essscape podsss. Thank you for your help in saving many lives."
Zurückteleportiert in den "normalen" Schiffsbereich wird der Nutzen der TECHNICIAN ID klar: Die Roboter bei der Lotterie können damit aus dem Weg geräumt werden..
.. und man kann die Karten zurückholen(aus der Rückseite der Einwurfschlitze). Ist aber sinnlos, da der Roboter am Spieltisch eh neue Karten ausgibt wenn man fragt.
DUMMERWEISE blockiert danach ein Roboter den Durchgang nach DRAUSSEN.. und Teleport zum Schiff ist nicht möglich.. also weg mit den Blechkameraden!(hätte man nur EINEN mit der ID reinlassen sollen?)

Bekommt man innerhalb einer Questreihe Zugang zu sonst gesperrten Bereichen..AUFMERKSAMKEIT!
Die nördlichen Türen im Startbereich öffnen sich genau EINMAL direkt nach dem Besuch beim Präsidenten(Belohnung).
Wuselt man NICHT sofort dahin.. und Speichert stattdessen das Spiel um zu Essen, Liebe zu machen oder einfach nur sich auf Straßen festzukleben..
Sind die Türen beim Laden VERSCHLOSSEN und gehen auch nie wieder auf -.-

Sogar direkt WÄHREND eine Hälfte der Crew innerhalb des "Geheimbereichs" war.. schlossen sich plötzlich die Türen!
Die mitgegebene Sicherheitskarte des Präsidenten nutzte genau NICHTS.
Laden half auch nicht. GOTTSEIDANK hatten die eingesperrten Crewman alles eingesackt was sie dort finden konnten..

Hat man alles soweit erreicht(Algiebian Crystals, Schiffspläne, Kram) einmal zurück zur Mondbasis um das erste Teilstück im Labor einzusetzen..
Hier bekommt man auch eine Gratulationsbotschaft von dem Commander Mason Polk:
Congratulations! BlaBlaBla..
Intelligence says that KORNEPHOROS SECTOR may be a good place to look next. Tactically we should be capable of handling them.

Concern about hostile aliens duplicating the ulysses exploration team?!!

10first: to
19final: available
21final: available
Die (erstmalig) mitgeführten Schiffspläne erlauben den Bau des Calypso Starcruisers.


Koo-She I Solitaire
*Blood Stalker

Loot: xTechnical Plansx, First Aid Pack, Reflect Armor, Trauma Kit
Betritt man das Höhlensystem werden alle(bis auf den Träger des President's Amulet) fortgebeamt(Body actual:0!), daher "SOLITAIRE!"

"I will destroy all the material from the violent races soon," the scanner pronounces, annunciating the pariculars of the notebook. "It is important that dispensers q, z and n which are of greatest danger be destroyed first. My attempts to cintrol them have been unsuccessful."
"With the exception of the "e" samples from the peaceful group, none of the rest appear to be codung properly in the genetic extrapolator. Finally, I've installed a lever to control the power on the mind transfer device. It will have to be thrown before the machine will do its work.

VIER Hebel müssen zeitgleich benutzt werden.. Also: Sich VIER Arme verschaffen :D

Sektor Kornephoros


Rutilicus II Spawn
Cin-Sae Spawn
Cin-Sae Elder
Loot: Ammo Clip, Assault Laser, Ceramic Armor, Chain Sword, Deed #38466, Energy Mace, First Aid Pack, Fixit Kit, Heavy Magazine, Laser Rifle, Pickor, Termite Launcher, Transformator

Die Kolonie auf Rutilicus II ist von Sin-Sae Schwärmen überrannt worden..
Das grüne Zeug im Untergrund.. ätzt nach und nach die Rüstungen kaputt.. bis die komplett WEG sind!!

Informationsquelle                      Info
Tiras, Rutilicus Colony S"Here's the situation. Ten days ago we found our warehouse crawling with Cin-Sae Spawn. We managed to cordon them off with crates, but some of our own people got trapped inside that perimeter when the spawn chewed through an electrical conduit. We need someone to run to the engineer and get the power back on. Oh, and one last thing, don't touch the crates. We wrapped microfilaments around them and juiced 'em up with batteries from the Colony Supply. The have a nasty shock."
Tiras, Rutilicus Colony SKolonie gerettet: "Wonderful job. My spotters say that everyone's safe now. Traders! Maybe if we had someone go and POSE as traders, they could find something out. We took this off the body of a trader. Perhaps you can get behind this mystery and find out what's going on.(Visitor Badge)"
Gun Runner, Rutilicus Colony S"You look familiar. Didn't you try and out bid me for that dagger on Kochab? Well if you want it bad enough, I might be willing to give it up for a battle laser. That Scroe Gun dealer at the fair had one but wouldn't trade it to me. Perhaps you will have better luck" Töten klappt auch..
Colonist, Rutilicus Colony SW"That's my wife. She's at a trade fair on Kochab II. She went to get some perfume for our business but I think in all honesty that she went looking for a music box. She always had a real weakness for them.
Clinea, Rutilicus Colony CenterThis is all that's left. Rutilicus Colony Sipply in all it's ruined glory. Every single last crate, every little par. Had to five it all up so the folks round here could survive. Gave it all away. Well, all except that. All 'cept that beat up old generator there in the lockup. I'd give it up free if I knew that someone had killed off the spawn.
Clinea, Rutilicus Colony CenterKilled all Cin-Sae: "A spotter just said that you killed off the last of the Cin-Sae Spawn! I think that makes you a hero in these parts and wehre I come from heroes deserve medals. It't not much but maybe you can find a use for it (Generator)."
Colonist, Rutilicus Colony CenterBlasted traders. It's their fault this is going on. They don't care what's going on or what they're carrying so long as they get their credits. If we can only figure out where these crates are coming from, maybe someone could blow up the damned place. A lot of folk would be right appreciative of that.
Jr Engineer, Rutilicus Colony NWThings are quieting down I see. You're alive.
Engineer, Rutilicus Colony NW"Work you worhless hunk of metal.. If Tiras has sent you, then you better tell him that I can't get this stuff working again until I get another transformer. Once I have it, I can get the electricity on line. If you can get to the other substation I think there's one there."
Engineer, Rutilicus Colony NWTransformator: "This part's a little touchy. It should hold up. The power is back on but I don't know for how long."
Colonist, Rutilicus Colony N"When they shut off the electricity, it trapped two of my employees in the vault. I don't think there's more than a few minutes of breathable air left in there!"
Colonist, Rutilicus Colony (Vault)"I've heard that the Nuskuans have had a run in with the Cin-Sae themselves. I guess the sub-zero temperatures on Eltanin VII didn't do the spawn much good."
Image on the wall, Rutilicus Colony N"What is read is often said to be much like a door. So open one and then you're done and be then on your way."
Die Frage ob man ein Händler sei.. sollte man verneinen, aus sich später herausstellenden Gründen..
Ein Hebel im Untergrund.. öffnet so manchen versteckten Pfad..

Sicherstellen, das man den Generator *verdient* und auch Tiras Belohnung (Visitor Badge für Sabik) erhalten hat..


Sabik-I Loki's Sun
Dantea Guard(Laser Rifle, Kevlar Suit)
Dantea Pod(Laser Rifle, Keramic)
Loot: Dagger, Energy Bank, Composite Armor, Energy Mace, First Aid Pack, Kevlar Suit, Laser Rifle, Leather Armor, Power Cell, Reflec Armor, Skocha Roots, Trauma Kit

Informationsquelle                      Info
Dantea Miner/Sabik-I Mine"An outsider.. good. Your cooperation .. vital .. Dalbeh has made..deal..with alien race..all wear badges that say..I.S.H.C. They work together..create Sin Sae Spawn..Sabik Mining Colony is disrupting..Sector Kornephoros.. They help I.S.H.C. plan invasion..Someone must find..launch tubes.. must destroy launch before it's too late. Will you help us[Y/N]"
Dantea Miner/Sabik-I MineYES: "Your name shall among..the Dantea..be sung with the heros. We would give you the Industrial Badge..needed to arrange entry to the launch tubes..but we need diamonds. Diamonds necessary in construction of the..industrial Badges.. Bring us..hard stones of gleaming..we make Industrial Badges for you."
Dantea Miner/Sabik-I MineBagODiamonds: "You have the materials needed..for construction..we make Industrial Badge..Wait here. Gaining entry to second level..is complex..the door is sealed.. You will need..to..search for room of levers..in there..find way to open door. A code phrase will need to be created..I overheard guards..but I not understand..until now. They said that their vessil is hidung until somone..wakes up. Take badge..Seek out the one called Dalbeh.. he will think you trader.. arrange..for pickup..then you will find launch tube..hurry!"
Airshaft/Sabik-I Level 1"..the operation is going smoothly, but I fear what will happen if the Cin-Sae are not contained." "That is wjy the sequence has been installed in the bays. Beginning with green. Remember th.."
Radiated Dantea, Sabik-I Level 1"..last..word..awakenung."
Dantea Sabik-I Level 1Skoqa Root: "I give thanks.. I shall give you..advise..valuable more..than such things. Many, many worlds. They are endagered. Many ships..attack if carry you..shipments."
Airshaft/Sabik-I Level 1.

Es *kann* zu einem Bug kommen wenn man die Startrampen zerstört:
Anstelle von EINER Sektor-Clearance bekommt man dann plötzlich deren 4..
Und für jedes Anquatschen des dankbaren Miners.. eine weitere dazu?!!

Unbedingt die "Spareparts" von der Rampe mitnehmen.. und natürlich EINE Sektor-Clearance..

Eltanin VII

Eltanin VII Sector Communications
Loot: Thermaul

Informationsquelle                      Info
Nuskkuan/Eltanin VII Basis"A moment please. The Cin-Sae destroyed much of this station before we managed to restrain them. Unfortunately our main electrical generator was destroyed during the attack and I fear that we may not receive a replacement. In three days the backup will fail and we shall die. Our people shall remember your attentions."
Nuskkuan/Eltanin VII BasisGenerator: "You have the thanks of my people. Your names shall be known always in the Tqn of the Nuskuan. In the hands of a master, this does great good(Sonic Pincers.."
Terminal/Eltanin VII Basis"Main Transmission array disabled. Please see Controller 9."
Controller/Eltanin VII Basis"All the terminals are booked at the moment until we manage to clear another arry. Thermauls are on the wall."
Draußen das Array vom Schnee befreien und am freien Terminal eine Nachricht senden(WENN man vorher den halb erfrorenen Captain ins Medlab gebracht hat.)
Dann droppen da auch SCHIFFSPLÄNE(einmalig, egal wie viele Sector Clearances man hat :D), die muss man MANUELL aufsammeln, NICHT vergessen!
Auch interessant: Mit den(nun 2x eingesammelten) Schiffsplänen kann man endlich stärkere Antriebe Mk4 und Mk5 bauen, ebenso stärkere Waffen..

Wer geglaubt hat das alles nun fluffig weitergeht(da man endlich ein Schiff der Größenklasse 3 bauen kann: Sheroshu)..
Mit dem größeren Schiff(und vor allem mit Fracht!) wird einem nun große Aufmerksamkeit zuteil!
So schön *endlich* ein Waffenturm auf dem Schiff(ab Größe 3 verfügbar) ist.. die Feuerrate und die Schadenswerte der anderen Schiffe sind dem eigenen weit überlegen -.-

Agilität des Schiffes ist nun entscheidend (mehrere fest verbaute "Front" Waffen) um außerhalb der Waffenreichweite des Feindes zu bleiben..
Vielleicht könnte man ja auch einen Mix aus(nach vorne LINKS) Waffen verwenden um mehrere Treffer zu landen während man den Gegner umkreist?
Ein Versuch mit 2 MK4 Antrieben bringt die Geschwindigkeit auf 6(in der Reihenfolge Mk1-Mk4-Mk4 verbauen und dann den Mk1 entfernen..)
OHNE Waffen kann man dann 54 Fracht mitschleppen.. dafür sollte man fast allen anderen Räubern entkommen..
Doch zum Bau fehlen Rohstoffe wie Heavy Metals(Sol: Venus) und Soft Metals..

Spielspaßzerstörend wirkt ein kleiner Eingriff..
Würde man der Shenshoushou(whatever) einen Laderaum von 250(statt der vorgegebenen 90) verpassen.. und ein Turret mit RackGun draufsetzen..
Bleibt diese Konfiguration sogar beim Save/Load erhalten. Nett! Allerdings werden dann in Kämpfen die Panzerung=Frachtraum gesetzt. Naja, auch hilfreich :)

Mal zerstäubt man die Gegner mit dem ersten Treffer, mal jagt man denen minutenlang hinterher und verursacht einfach keinen Schaden. Seltsam..


Kochab II Starport Kochab
Scro Marauder(Battle Laser, Shielded Reflect Armor)
Loot: Assault Laser, Composite Armor, Ceramic Armor, Electron Gun, Particle Pack

Informationsquelle                      Info
Colonist, Gebäude SW"Enjoying the trade show? It's been very nice so far but I can't seem to find a music box anywhere. I'd be willing to trade a bolt of my Ulfas cloth for it. Best I can do."
Colonist, Gebäude SWMusic Box: "Wonderful!" (Ulfas Cloth) (Wiederholbar)..
A Bum, wandert herum"A bit of advice friends. Be careful what you get from HabStel. Ten years ago I bought a mining world from then and it turned out to be a hollow asteroid. So now I wander about asking for hand outs so I don't starve."
A Bum, wandert herumLoaf-O-Lozam: "I'm here to see the Shroud. I bought a ticket for a friend of mine but it doesn't appear that he is going to show up. You can have it if you like."(Shroud Admission)
A Bum, Gebäude S"They make these crates too well. Can't blast 'em, burn 'em or smash them. Probably the most indestructible things in the universe. Of course Movrin Sepo uses those inferior crates. All you have to do is use a unilock next to them and they spring wide open!"
Scro Marauder, Gebäude SE"Blue skies, liquid water, tall mountains...how horrible. Give me a mining colony any day."
Colonist, Gebäude SE"Someplace cold. I WANT SOMEPLACE COLD! THEY CAN't GET YOU WHERE IT's COLD! Cin-Sae destroyed everything but I heard that they don't like cold. I wand to go someplace cold where they can't follow me..just some..small..place..cold."
HabStel Worker, Gebäude SE"I'm sorry if I seem a little distracted. I came here to get the Dagger of Sossee from the auction but someone snatched it up before I could bid on it. It was stolen from the natives of #39999 and they won't surrender the planet until they get the dagger back. I have some people looking for him. I think he may have gone to Rutilicus Colony"
Robot MK1, Gebäude E"Please look over our extensive line of products. I'm sorry but that particular item has been in short supply due to a shorage of Ulfas in this sector. We would pay well for a new supply."
Robot MK1, Gebäude EUlfas Cloth: "Transaction accepted. Your trade has been valued at ten credits."(10 Credit Card) AUFMERKSAMKEIT: EINZELN übergeben!
Chebassa, Gebäude E"Are you interested in a bargain? If you can gain entrance for me to the Shroud of Kriq, I shall five you a trinket that I acquired more cheaply than you could otherwise. It will be worth yyour while."
Chebassa, Gebäude EShroud Admission: "It hands you a small Music Box." (AUFMERKSAMKEIT: Beim Handel nur EINE Shroud Admission im Inventar halten!!)
Chebassa, Gebäude NE"You look much like a trader. I would avoid Movrin Sepo if that is your calling. He is a very dangerous man and he doesn't like people who infringe on his territory. I would be especially careful in his imports warehouse. I believe that he has something that he is hiding somewhere."
Chebassa, Gebäude N"A Music Box I'll accept and then I'll pay a video reader for the debt."
Chebassa, Gebäude NMusic Box: "Sornoi Sticks are what I sought, but music box is kindly bought. So for this gift a Video Reader for you, and at last I may bid you a fond bontu!"
Chebassa, Gebäude NVideo Reader: "Sornoi Sticks you've found for me, more valued those than box for me. So take this Music Box in fair exchange and our trade will be thus arranged."
Colonist, Gebäude NW"Cash is absolutely useless here. Only bartering. Half the time they won't even tell you what they REALLY want."
Colonist, Gebäude NW"The Fantum colony is very greedy. They want THREE items for their Mass Converter. It's overpriced but they can charge it because they know that no one else even uses them anymore. They want a pair of Sonic Pincers, a Cybercredit and a planetary deed. Madness."
Scro Dealer, Gebäude NW"Fine inventory. Best guns in sector. Straight forward trade. Give me Starport credits, I give guns. No other bargain."
Scro Dealer, Gebäude NW10 Credit Card: "Ten credits. Not much, but satisfactory. This gun very nice. Take it." (Scroe Special)
Scro Dealer, Gebäude NWScroe Special: "Hmm, clever one. Agreed, gun no good. Fires like drunk Evian. This gun much better. You take of course.." (Battle Laser)
Colonist(female) wandert herum"No one here seems to care that this sector is under attack. When I left Rutilicus it was in flames, Cin Sae Spawn everywhere! I can't find anyone that will go and help fight. The're all too concerned with how much they can get for Bold of Ulfas or a delta cube!"
Movrin Sepo, Gebäude W"Congratulations. You work for me now.. I don't care who you are or if you want to work for me or not. Get this to Kornephoros III and be quick about it. You'll need this crate to get inside the complex."(Spare Parts, Uni-Lock)
Colonist, Auktionshaus"Looks like everything else has already gone except the Mass Converter. I was hoping that they might be liquidating Cyberboots. I already own a pair but I though a backup pair wouldn't hurt. Most useful thing I own."
Colonist, Auktionshaus"Next up on the auction block, lot 999, one Mass Converter. This item, discovered in the vaults is still in working order. May we start bids with one pair of Sonic Pincers?"
Colonist, AuktionshausSonic Pincers: "One pair of sonic pincers bid! Thank you! May I hear a bid for one Cyber Credit?y"
Colonist, AuktionshausCyber Credit: "One Cybercredit bit by the alien from Earth! May I hear a bid for one planetary deed? Is that a talon I see up in the air back there.."
Colonist, AuktionshausPlanetary Deed: "One Mass Converter sold to the humans from Earth! The auction will now take a recess...""
Chebassa, Gebäude SPerfume: "Hisssss"(Loaf-O-Lozam)

Den Uni-Lock in der Nähe von Movrin Sepo benutzen.. um die Frachtkisten zu öffnen.
O Graus - Cin Sae kommen heraus(und eine versteckte Wand in Movrins Laden öffnet sich) Shroud Asmission

Hin und wieder hat das Spiel kleine Glitches(oder ist das ein Feature?):
Ein *Kunde* wünscht eine Shroud Admission und bietet im Tausch dafür eine Music Box an.
Beim Tausch erhält man EINE Music Box, verliert aber ALLE Shroud Admission im Inventar -.-
Darum VOR dem Tausch alle Shroud Admission (bis auf eine zum Handel) auf den Boden ablegen !!
Auf diese Weise kann man MEHRERE Music Boxen erhalten..

Viele Credits..
Man schnappt sich das Parfüm vom Tresen und findet die eine blaue Schlange und kippt das Zeug wiederholt über die drüber..
..dafür erhält man jedesmal ein Loaf-O-Lozam, was man dem herumlaufendem, HUNGERNDEM Bum in die Hand drückt.
Von dem erhält man weitere Shroud Admissions die man wiederum bei der Chebassa im Osten EINZELN gegen Music Box eintauscht.
Die Music Box tauscht man im SW gegen Ulfas Cloth.
Nun verkauft man Ulfas Cloth beim Robot Mk1 im Osten und erhält jedes Mal eine 10 Credit Card.

Doch mit der Auktion kommt man so nicht weiter, es fehlen noch "Cyber Credits".. und die muss man erst von Kornephoros besorgen.. also auf nach Kornophoros!


Kornephoros III Impremi Homeworld, Planet verstrahlt, Ursprungsbevölkerung ausgestorben, Weiterkommen nur mit 2 Spare Parts möglich!
Robot Mk1(Hand Laser)
Sin Sae()
Loot: Ammo Clip, Battery Bank, First Aid Pack, Energy Cell, Heavy Magazine, Particle Pack, Neutrino Cache, Trauma Kit

Informationsquelle                      Info
Android"The Shipment of spare parts go in the other room. You'll know where to put them."
Android"It's a trap, organics. This interdict is a cover for something else. I think they're looking for a runner who leaked the word about the Operation. They'd be the only ones to HAVE two shipments of the spare parts, so Secundus fugure if they get two, then they have their bugs. I'm just waiting to see what happens afterwards. Personally I think Movrin Sepo's their man."
Scroe Marauder"It's not fair to us honest trading folk. I made my living moving ores trading on these space lanes, but with everyone on the point of panic, I can only trade with whoever runs this complex. And once you're inside it's alway 'walkt this way, walk that way'. I think they're afraid of something inside there being discovered. As for me, I don't care. Just bring them their deliveries, take their credits and I'm home again. Life's complicated enough without tangling with some people that's won't evcen show their faces."
Scroe Marauder"It's a deal, this. Whoever runs them automatons beyond them doors, they'ze got a bit going for themselves, haven't they? I'z mean they're only ones not afraid to take alien shipments anymores and they knowz it. Traders can't affort to stop running so they take the nothin'g these folk pay and they count themselves lucky. A deal, yes indeed. I'd bet they've got something goin' with 'em folks back at Sabik Colony."
Scroe Marauder"Not one of us. Probably trading outsector, aren't you? Stay out of our trading lanes!"
Electronic Voice"You have paid an acceptable admittance fee. You may enter but do not deviate into restricted areas."
Android"Deliver the Unilock"
AndroidUnilock: "You have executed your program with minimal incursions of interference. I am to transfer articles which have a value as indexed by external media. Now resuming heuristic strudies of the spores.."
(Tomb SSW)"In a blaze of light Fell Caglierge He was fist to taste defeat" (Reflect Armor)
(Tomb SSE)"Nemaire third fell he among the mortal ruins." (Ceramic Armor)
(Tomb SW)"Even at your end, Eblitare a word of hope you spoke and fired our final charge." (Uni-Lock)
(Tomb SE)"Next to your sister I lay you now to rest. Sleep once and forever Chemou." (Power Cell)
(Tomb NW)"Ibreur A grisly blast removed your head but at last your aim was true and fourteen floating Mechani joined you in your doom." (Smart Gun)
(Tomb NE)"Unworthy these words upon this crypt For the soldier named Galere, for the rare and radiating soldier Whom Ipremi name Galere." (Personal Shield)
(Tomb NNW)"Ronreu With fear in your voice But iron in your heart You called the last advance." (Trauma Kit)
(Tomb NNE)"Still now in this marble vox Eroubair the Last. Haloed then with golden fire Eroubair the Last Children shall remember you O' Eroubair the Last." (May Field)
(Tomb Center S)"Oilu proud Oilu strong Now in death's arms sleeps." (Shielded Reflect Armor)
(Tomb Center Main)"With ash for breath And death for strength Down went Cagliere. Lasers pirced And Oilu wept Down went Nemenaire. Chemou flamed And Ibrevr screamed Down went Eblitare. Three were left And Ronreu charged Down ent Galere. With nothing left And nothing right Down went Eroubair. Vengeance sworn And weapon forged I'll avenge Eroubair. Replace my name And Secundus fear The revenge of.." ()

Lustigerweise kann man die Spare Parts auch wieder mitnehmen..

Doch nun zurück nach Kochab um
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