Kenshi: Forschung

Wegen der GROTTIGEN Ortsnamenübersetzung habe ich wieder auf englisch umgeschaltet daher sind nun auch die Bezeichnungen englisch.

Die Forschungsreihenfolge hängt von den eigenen Vorlieben/Spielarten ab:
An Orten(mit Wind) würde man z.B. die Generatoren ignorieren und ganz auf Windkraft setzen.
In Wüsten(Deadland, etc.) wird man auch keine Landwirtschaft erforschen.

Wer sich Häuser in Siedlungen kauft(um Verteidigung zu sparen, Nachts auf Einkaufstour zu gehen, ..) braucht zwar keine großen Gebäude erforschen, das Sturmhaus MUSS aber erforscht werden um Forschungslevel II+ erforschen zu können..

Eine selbstversorgende Basis braucht natürlich schnellstmöglich Baumaterial und Lagerkapazitäten und Strom und Licht(damit die 24h durcharbeiten :D ),..

Wie man sieht wollte ich die Forschungsstufen unterteilen, also wird hier JEDES noch so unsinnige Forschungsgebiet aufgeführt damit die komplett sind.
Sinnvoller wäre ein "Rush" zum höchstmöglichen Forschungslevel inklusive der dazugehörigen Forschungsstationen.. aber die brauchen später auch noch Strom..
Forschungsstufe 1
CoreGear StorageLVL01Armour Storage[BM], Weapon Stand, Weapon Cabinet, Boltbox, Crossbow Locker
CoreItem StorageLVL01General Storage Chest/Boxes, Metal Chest, Food Store, Animal Feeder
CorePublic SalesLVL01Shop Counter
CoreSmall HouseLVL01 02 BooksStormhouse[16BM]
CoreTech Level 2LVL01 06 Books [Stormhouse]Research Bench II[10EP]
CraftingFabric ManufactureLVL01Fabric Chest[BM], Fabric Loom(cotton)
DefenceMakeshift WallsLVL01 02 BooksMakshift Wall, Makeshift Gate
ElectricsFuel Generator TheoryLVL01 04 BooksSmall Generator(40kW)
ElectricsWind Generator TheoryLVL01 02 BooksWind Generator
ElectricsIndoor LightingLVL01 01 BookCeiling Lamp, Ceiling Fan Lamp[EP], Electrical Light Post
FarmingCookingLVL01 01 BookCooking Stove, Rice Bowl, Cooked Vegetables
FarmingCotton FarmingLVL01 02 Books [2x Cotton]Cotton Farm (s,m,l,xl) Lager: Baumwolle
FarmingRiceweed FarmingLVL01 02 Books [2xRiceweed]Riceweed Farm (s,m,l) Lager: Reisgras
FarmingCactus FarmingLVL01 02 Books [2xCactus, Whetstraw-Farming]Cactus Farm (s,m,l,xl) Lager: Kaktus
FarmingWheatstraw FarmingLVL01 02 Books [2xWheatstraw]WheatFarm (s,m,l,xl) Lager:WeizenstrohWeizenstroh nimmt enorm viel Platz weg!!
FarmingBakingLVL01 02 BooksFlour Storage, Bread Basket, Grain Silo, Bread Oven
IndustryBuilding MaterialsLVL01Stone Mine, Manual Stone Processor*already unlocked
IndustryIron PlatesLVL01 01 BookManual Iron Refinery
IndustryImproved Stone MiningLVL01 03 BooksStone Mine II [5BM/2BM(Upg.)]nur 2(statt 3) Arbeiter nötig
IndustryStorage Boxes OreLVL01Storage: Ore[EP], Steel Bars[], Iron Plates[], Copper
IndustryStorage Boxes: FarmingLVL01Flour Storage, Storage: Green Fruit, Water Tank
IndustryStorage BoxesLVL01Storage: Stones[EP], Storage: Building Materials[EP]
SmithingHats and HeadgearLVL01 02 Books [Clothing Manufacture]Bandana, Basket Hat, Cap, Rattan Head, Tagelmust, Turban, Wool Hat
SmithingClothing ManufactureLVL01 01 BookClothing Bench, Witcher Clothing Bench[3EP,4!](MOD!)Too many clothes..
SmithingBasic Weapon GradesLVL01 02 Books [Basic Weapon Smithing][Weaponlevel: Rusting Blade]
SmithingBasic Weapon SmithingLVL01 02 BooksWeapon Smith, Iron Club, Staff [Weaponlevel: Rusted Junk]
SmithingSimple Clothing TypesLVL01 01 Book [Clothing Manufacture]Gi, Cloth Shirt, Worn-out Sorts, Gi Pants, Wooden Sandals, Black Cloth Shirt, Turtleneck..
TrainingSimple Training DummiesLVL01 02 BooksTraining Dummy MkI
TrainingLockpick TrainingLVL01 03 BooksLocksmith Training Box[2EP]
Forschungsstufe 2
CoreBedsLVL02 02 BooksBed [BM,4Stoffe]800x Heilung
CoreMedium Building ShellsLVL02 06 BooksL-House, Longhouse, Bughouse
CoreTech Level 3LVL02 10 Books [Tech Level 2]Research Bench III
CraftingSleeping BagsLVL02 01 BookBasic Medical Workbench, Sleeping Bag
CraftingBasic First Aid KitLVL02 02 BooksBasic Medical Workbench, Medicrate, Basic First Aid KitMedizinkiste/Truhe nimmt auch Schlafsäcke auf!
CraftingHemp-Based FabricLVL02 02 BooksFabric Chest, Fabric Loom(hemp)Stoffherstellung(Hanfbasiert)
DefenceMounted CrossbowsLVL02 04 BooksMounted CrossbowKönnen erst auf die *ultimativen* Mauern gesetzt werden?
DefenceCorpse DisposalLVL02Corpse FurnaceLeichenentsorgung
DefenceCrossbow Turret StringsLVL02 02 Books [Mounted Crossbows]increases the power of all crossbows by 10%
DefenceDefensive WallsLVL02 06 Books [Makeshift Walls]Defensive Wall II, Defensive Gate II, Defensive Wall Ramp II
ElectricsBiofuelLVL02 02 BooksBiofuel Distillery(Wheatstraw/Greenfruits), Storage: FuelKraftstofftanks!
ElectricsBasic Exterior LightingLVL02 01 BookSpotlight
ElectricsLight Wind Generator TheoryLVL02 04 Books [Wind Generator Theory]Small Wind GeneratorLiefern auch bei wenig Wind etwas Strom
ElectricsLight PostLVL02 01 Book [Indoor Lighting]Small Wind GeneratorLiefern auch bei wenig Wind etwas Strom
FarmingSake DistillationLVL02 06 BooksSake Still, Sake BarrelFusel :)
FarmingGrog DistillationLVL02 06 BooksGorg Machine, Grog BarrelsFusel :)
FarmingHemp FarmingLVL02 02 Books [2Hemp]Hemp Farm (s,m,l) Storage: HempHanfanbau, yay!
FarmingRum BrewingLVL02 06 BooksRum Still, Rum BarrelsFusel :)
FarmingDesert CookingLVL02 03 BooksChewstick, Dustwich
FarmingAdvanced CookingLVL02 02 BooksFoodcube, Gohan, Meatwrap
IndustryIron Plates 2LVL02 [02 Books, Iron Plates]Iron Refinery(2??)Manual Iron Refinery gibts schon, ist das dann II?
IndustryImproved Stone Mining 2LVL02 [04 Books, Improved Stone Mining]Stone Mine III
IndustryPowered Stone RefineryLVL02 [03 Books]Stone Processor II02 Arbeiter, 60% Effizienz, -10 Energie
IndustryStorage Boxes: CraftingLVL02Storage: Chainmail, Leather, Armour Plate, Skins, Meat, Fabric Chest
IndustryWells IILVL02 [02 Books]Well II
SmithingBasic Weapon Grades 3LVL02 [04 Books, Basic Weapon Grades 2][Weaponlevel: Old Refitted Blade]
SmithingBasic Weapon Grades 2LVL02 [03 Books, Basic Weapon Grades][Weaponlevel: Mid Grade Salvage]
SmithingCrossbow BoltsLVL02 [06 Books]Arrow Making Bench, Storeage: Crossbow Parts, Bolts(Toothpicks), Hinge
SmithingWeapon MeltingLVL02 [01 Book]Item Furnace
SmithingLeather Armour CraftingLVL02 [04 Books]Leather Armour Crafting Bench, Leather Tanning Bench, Trader's Leather
SmithingHeavy WeaponsLVL02 [06 Books]Mercenary Club, Spiked Club
TrainingTurret TrainingLVL02 [02 Books]Training Turret
TrainingBetter Training DummiesLVL02 [04 Books, Simple Training Dummies]Training Dummy MkIITrainiert bis Lvl 10
TrainingLockpick Training IILVL02 [04 Books, Lockpick Training]Locksmith Training Box/Training Box II[4EP/2EP]Trainiert Lockpicking bis Level 21
TrainingTurret Training IILVL02 [02 Books, Turret Training]Training Turret MkII
TrainingAssassin TrainingLVL02 [02 Books]Assassination Dummy
TrainingThievery TrainingLVL02 [02 Books]Thief Training Boxes
Forschungsstufe 3
CoreOutpost Type IIILVL03 02 ER [Advanced Outpost BP, Heavy Building Foundations]Outpost s-III
CoreTech Level 4LVL03 04 ASBs [Tech level 03]Research Bench IV[?EP/?EP,?!]
CoreLarge Building ShellsLVL03 ER [Medium Building Shells]Y-House, Snailhouse, Watchtower, Stephouse, Stationhouse
CoreHeavy Building FoundationsLVL03 ER
CraftingRoboticsLVL03 ASB [Steel Bars, Electrical Crafting]Robotics Bench, Storage: Robotics, Robotic Components
DefencePrototype Harpoon TurretsLVL03 ASB [Mounted Crossbows]Harpoon Turret
DefenceCrossbow Turret Spotlight FittingLVL03 01 Book [Mounted Crossbows II]Mounted Crossbow mkII[light]
DefenceImprisonmentLVL03 01 BookPrisoner Cage
DefenceComposite RunnersLVL03 01 BookCrossbow Power +5%
DefenceMounted Crossbows IILVL03 01 ASB [Mounted Crossbows]Mounted Crossbow mkII
ElectricsUpgraded Small Generators 2LVL03 04 Books [Fuel Generator Theory, Upgraded Small Generators]Erweitert Small Generators auf 70kw
ElectricsSkeleton Repair BedsLVL03 02 Eng.ResearchSkeleton Repair Bed
ElectricsHemp Oil BiofuelLVL03 03 Books [Biofuel]Biofuel Distillery(Hemp)
ElectricsBatteriesLVL03 04 BooksBattery Bank(in/stored/out:40/60/40)
ElectricsElectrical CraftingLVL03 04 BooksElectrical Workbench, Storage: Electricals, Electrical Components
ElectricsBattery PowerLVL03 02 Books [Batteries]increases Battery output power to 50kw
ElectricsBattery Power 2LVL03 03? Books [Batteries, Battery Power]increases Battery output power to 60kw
ElectricsBattery Power 3LVL03 04? Books [Batteries, Battery Power 2]increases Battery output power to 70kw
ElectricsBattery Power 4LVL03 08 Books [Batteries, Battery Power 3]increases Battery output power to 80kw
ElectricsBattery CapacityLVL03 03 Booksincreases Battery Capacity to 120
ElectricsBattery Capacity 2LVL03 04 Books [Batteries, Battery Capacity]increases Battery Capacity to 180
ElectricsBattery Capacity 3LVL03 05 Books [Batteries, Battery Capacity 2]increases Battery Capacity to 240
ElectricsBattery Capacity 4LVL03 06 Books [Batteries, Battery Capacity 3]increases Battery Capacity to 300
ElectricsHeavy Generator TheoryLVL03 02 ASBs [Fuel Generator Theory, Upgraded Small Generators]Generator II(100kw)
ElectricsUpgraded Small GeneratorsLVL03 03 Books [Fuel Generator Theory]Erweitert Small Generators auf 55kw
ElectricsSearch LightsLVL03 [Basic Exterior Lighting, Indoor Lighting]Searchlight
ElectricsLight Post EfficiencyLVL03 01 Book [Lightpost]Lightpost IIIUnd wo ist Lightpost II??
FarmingHashish ProductionLVL03 01 Eng. ResearchHemp Processor, Storage: Hashish
IndustryOre Drill 2LVL03 03 ASBs [Ore Drill]
IndustryImproved Stone Mining 3LVL03 05 Books [Improved Stone Mining 2]Stone Mine IV
IndustryIron Plates 3LVL03 03 Books [Iron Plates 2]Iron Refinery II
IndustrySteel BarsLVL03 01 ASBSteel Refinery
IndustryAutomated Mining TechLVL03 01 KI Core [Improved Stone Mining]Für Forschungen: Adv.Stone Mining[4], Semi[4]/Full[5] automated Ore Drill
IndustryRain CollectorLVL03 Books [Well II]Rain Collector
IndustryStone Refinery UpgradeLVL03 04 Books [Powered Stone Refinery]Stone Processor III
IndustryOre DrillLVL03 02 ASBsOre Drill
IndustryWells IIILVL03 01 ASB [Wells II]Wells III
SmithingBasic Weapon Grades 5LVL03 06 Books [Basic Weapon Smithing, Basic Weapon Grades 4][Weaponlevel: Catun No.1]
SmithingAdvanced Weapon SmithingLVL03 01 ASBWeaponsmith IIFür höherwertige Produktion nötig
SmithingMedicineLVL03 06 Books [Basic First Aid Kits]Medical Workbench, Standard First Aid Kit
SmithingCrossbow CraftingLVL03 01 Eng. Research [Crossbow Bolts]Crossbow Crafting Bench, Crossbow Parts, Junkbow
SmithingSplintsLVL03 04 Books [Basic First Aid Kits]Splint Kit
SmithingPlate Armour CraftingLVL03 01 Eng. ResearchHeavy Armour Smithy, Plate Beating Station
TrainingAssassin Training IILVL03 04 Books [Assassin Training]Assassination Dummy II
TrainingAdvanced Training DummiesLVL03 06 Books [Better Training Dummies]Training Dummy MkIIITrains up to Level 15
TrainingThievery Training IILVL03 04 Books [Thievery Training]Thief Training Boxes II
TrainingTurret Training IIILVL03 04 Books [Turret Training II]Training Turret MkIII

Abkürzungen in der Tabelle:
ASB=Ancient Science Book
ER=Engineering Research
xBM= x*Baumaterial für Bau nötig
[xBM/yBM]= x*Baumaterial für BAU/ y*Baumaterial für Upgrade
xEP=x Eisenplatten für Bau nötig
x!=Objekt benötigt x*Strom im Betrieb

Grüne Baupläne
Armoured Face PlatesTech Level:0104.233Armoured Face Plates
Armoured HoodTech Level:0104.233Armoured Hood
Ashland HatTech Level:0100.378Ashland Hat
Ashlander StormgogglesTech Level:0100.180Ashlander Stormgoggles
Assassin RagsTech Level:0107.450Assassin Rags
BandanaTech Level:0101.758Bandana
Black BandanaTech Level:0101.758Black Bandana
Black Cloth ShirtTech Level:0100.337Black Cloth Shirt
Black Plate JacketTech Level:0110.683Black Plate Jacket
Blackened Chain Hive ShirtTech Level:0128.572Blackened Chain Hive Shirt
Blackened Chain ShirtTech Level:0128.572Blackened Chain Shirt
Blackened ChainmailTech Level:0128.572Blackened Chainmail
Cargopants[padded]Tech Level:0102.015Cargopants[padded]
Cargopants[reinforced]Tech Level:0102607Cargopants[Reinforced]
Cargopants[sneaky chain]Tech Level:0103.955Cargopants[sneaky chain]
ChainmailTech Level:0120.409Chainmail
Chain ShirtTech Level:0120.409Chain Shirt
Cloth ShirtTech Level:0100.337Cloth Shirt
Dark Leather ShirtTech Level:0115.643Dark Leather Shirt
Drifter's BootsTech Level:0101.489Drifter's Boots
Drifter's Leather JacketTech Level:0104.470Drifter's Leather Jacket
Drifter's Leather PantsTech Level:0101.489Drifter's Leather Pants
DustcoatTech Level:0107.450Dustcoat
HachiganeTech Level:0101.732Hachigane
Flared HelmetTech Level:0104.233Flared Helmet
Halfpants [padded]Tech Level:0102.050Halfpants [padded]
Halfpants [ragged]Tech Level:0100.075Halfpants [ragged]
Halfpants [reinforced]Tech Level:0102.607Halfpants [reinforced]
Halfpants[sneaky chain]Tech Level:0103.955Halfpants[sneaky chain]
Heart ProtectorTech Level:0111.554Heart Protector
Hiver Chain ShirtTech Level:0120.409Hiver Chain Shirt
Karuta ZukinTech Level:0104.897Karuta Zukin
Kusari ZukinTech Level:0104.081Kusari Zukin
Leather Hive VestTech Level:0106.705Leather Hive Vest
Leather ShirtTech Level:0111.175Leather Shirt
Leather TurtleneckTech Level:0111.175Leather Turtleneck
Leather WestTech Level:0106.705Leather West
Masket HelmetTech Level:0104.233Masket Helmet
Mercenary Leather ArmourTech Level:0107.122Mercenary Leather Armour
Mercenary PlateTech Level:0115.154Mercenary Plate
Monk PantsTech Level:0100000Monk Pants
Monk RobeTech Level:0100.984Monk Robe
Ninja GiTech Level:0100.300Ninja Gi
Ninja MaskTech Level:0102.076Ninja Mask
Ninja PantsTech Level:0100075Ninja Pants
Ninja RagsTech Level:0107.450Ninja Rags
Plate JacketTech Level:0109.792Plate Jacket
Plated Drifter's Leather PantsTech Level:0104.761Plated Drifter's Leather Pants
Plated LongbootsTech Level:0102.821Plated Longboots
Police HelmetTech Level:0104.233Police Helmet
Rag ShirtTech Level:0100.984Rag Shirt
Red BandanaTech Level:0101.758Red Bandana
Rusted Hive ShirtTech Level:0120.409Rusted Hive Shirt
Rusty ChainmailTech Level:0120.409Rusty Chainmail
Rusty Chainmail TagelmustTech Level:0104.489Rusty Chainmail Tagelmust
Rusty Chain ShirtTech Level:0120.409Rusty Chain Shirt
TagelmustTech Level:0101.758Tagelmust
Tin CanTech Level:0104.545Tin Can
Samurai ArmourTech Level:0115.154Samurai Armour
Samurai BootsTech Level:0103.030Samurai Boots
Samurai ClothpantsTech Level:0103.724Samurai Cloth Pants
Samurai HelmetTech Level:0104.545Samurai Helmet
Samurai LegplatesTech Level:0107.576Samurai Legplates
SandogasaTech Level:0100.015Sandogasa
Side-Angle HachiganeTech Level:0101.732Side-Angle Hachigane
Sleeveless LongcoatTech Level:0107.450Sleveless Longcoat
Spiked HelmetTech Level:0103.181Spiked Helmet
Stout Hessian UniformTech Level:0100.300Stout Hessian Uniform
Straw HatTech Level:0100.015Straw Hat
Swamp Ninja MaskTech Level:0102.235Swamp Ninja Mask
Swamp Ninja RagsTech Level:0107.450Swamp Ninja Rags
TurbanTech Level:0101.758Turban
TurtleneckTech Level:0100.450Turtleneck
Visored HelmetTech Level:0104.233Visored Helmet
Wooden SandalsTech Level:0100.075Wooden Sandals
Gelbe Baupläne
Eagle's CrossTech Level:0111.308Eagle's Cross
RangerTech Level:0106.690Ranger
Spring BatTech Level:0104.858Spring Bat
Tooth PickTech Level:0104.858Tooth Pick
Blaue Baupläne
Advanced OutpostTech Level:03 [Large Building Shells]15000neue Forschung: Outpost Type III
Advanced HarpooneryTech Level:04 [Harpoon Turrets II]25.000
Basic FurnitureTech Level:0200.500Stool, Bench, Sitting Box, Sitting Pillow, Metal Table, Round Table, Small Table, Table, Round Bar Table, ShelfSinnloser Kram
Bolts: LongsTech Level:0301.000Bolts[Longs]
Bolts: RegularsTech Level:0200.400Bolts[Regulars]
Camp ShelterTech Level:0100.200Camp Shelter
Combat CleaverTech Level:0205.000Combat Cleaver
Desert SabresTech Level:0212.000Desert Sabre
Exotic WeaponsTech Level:0220.000Falling Sun
Foreign SabresTech Level:0214.000Foreign Sabre
Holed SabresTech Level:0203.500Holed Sabre
JittesTech Level:0206.000Jitte
KatanasTech Level:0210.000Katana, Guardless Katana
LongswordsTech Level:0303.000Longsword
Mercenary TentTech Level:0100.300Mercenary Tent
NaginatasTech Level:0208.000Naginata Katana
Ninja BladesTech Level:0202.500Ninja Blade
NodachiTech Level:02 [Katanas]15.000Nodachi
PolearmsTech Level:0203.000Polearm
Random FurnitureTech Level:0200.500Support Beam 1/2/3, Display Stand, Interior Wall, Rusty Sink, Outhouse
Ringed SabresTech Level:0206.000Ringed Sabre
ToppersTech Level:0206.000Toppers
SabresTech Level:0201.500Horse Chopper
WakizashisTech Level:0205.000Wakizashi
Ancient Military Documents01.000"Outpost" @Deadlands (Lost Armoury)
Ancient Military Documents UNIQUE01.000"Outpost" @Levithan Cost (Lost Armoury)
Engineers Map01.000"Ruin" @Deadland(Workshop)
Engineers Map01.000"Ruin" @Vain(Post-Ancient Workshop)
Engineers Map UNIQUE01.000"Ruin" @Purple Sands(Post-Ancient Workshop)
Glorious Holy Map00.500Towns: Bad Teeth, Blister Hill, Stack, Holy Farms(6), Holy Military Base(2), Holy MInes(2)
Map of the Ashlands??10.000Towns: The Hub, Tiny Settlement, Waystation
Map of the Ashlands Unique10.000"Ruin" Ashland Dome III @Ashlands (Ashland Dome III)
Map of the Border Zone00.500Towns: The Hub, Tiny Settlement, WaystationCat-Lon's Exile
Map of the Shek Kingdom00.500Towns: Admag, Last Standing, Squin, The Great Fortress
Map of the Swamps00.500Towns: Shark, Swamp Village(2)
Map of the United Cities(Central Territories)00.400Towns: Bark, Bast, Black Scratch, Brink, Drin, Endin, Eyesocket, Farming Village, Port North, Port South, Stoat, Stone Camp
Map of the United Cities(Extended Territories)00.400Towns: Catun, Clownsteady, Drifter's Last, Mourn, Sho-Battai, Slave Farm, Slave Markets
Map of Vain00.500Towns: Hive Village(8)
Map to Mongrel00.500Towns: Mongrel
Map to World's End00.750Towns: World's End
Old Treasure Map02.000"Old Control Tower" @Venge(Tower of Abuse)
Tech Hunter Library Map00.100"Ruins" @Wend(Lost Library)
Tech Hunters Map01.000"Ruin" @The Crater(Ancient Lab)
Tech Hunters Map01.000Towns: Strange Town(Flats Lagoon)

Zivile Orte werden als "Towns:", militärische Orte als Outpost oder Ruin bezeichnet.
In Klammern dahinter wird der Name angegeben wenn der Ort besucht wurde, meist ändert sich die Bezeichnung von "Outpost" zu Lost Armoury, etc.

Speichert man einen Spielstand bevor man eine Karte "nutzt" kann es vorkommen das nach dem Laden ein anderer Ort aufgedeckt wird.
Die Karteninfo zeigte nach dem Speichern noch "Ashland Dome I". Karte genutzt und es wurde Ashland Dome I aufgedeckt.
Spielstand geladen:
Karteninfo zeigte nun auf "Ashland Dome III" und es wurde auch der Dome III aufgedeckt.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 04.02.2023 um 14:15 geändert.

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